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Connect ~ Clear ~ Create

Connect to your Soul gifts and stories, Clear your karmic cycles, Create the future you truly desire. 

Angelic Reiki & Chakra Balancing

Angelic Reiki is different to other forms of reiki as the healing is carried out by Angels and other Beings of 100% pure white light.

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Tarot Readings

Tarot is a unique method of guidance that will reflect your situation with the knowledge of your subconscious and the wisdom of your Soul.

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Access Bars®

The Access Bars® are 32 points on the head that contain all the thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations you have stored in any lifetime that are holding you back from having all of you.

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Soul Realignment®

A Soul Realignment® will provide you with a deep understanding of yourself at Soul level, and much needed clearing of blocks and restrictions, to enable you to discover your true power.

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Property Clearing & Realignment

A Property Clearing Realignment® will provide you with a a full property clearing of all energies, entities and issues that do not serve you.

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Further Soul Readings

A range Akashic readings including: Life Lessons, Current Situation, Relationships and Spirit Guide Profiles.

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Please click Read More to view my booking form. Bookings can only be made by contacting me first. Your information is safe and is not shared.

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Articles aiming to make spiritual information accessible to everyone and to provide advice and support for those who'd like it.

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